

Final International Conference of the SMEDATA II Project, 17 June 2022

Presentation by V. Karadjov (CPDP) (PDF, EN, 160 KB) Presentation by Marco Leone (PDF, EN, 1 MB)
Presentation by Katharina Miller (PDF, EN, 556 KB) Presentation by Claire Poirson (PDF, EN, 793 KB)
Presentation by Laetitia Mouton (PDF, EN, 750 KB)
Video recording of the conference (part 1) Video recording of the conference (part 2)

Awareness training for SMEs in Italy – April, May 2022

PDF Intelligenza Artificiale e protezione dei dati personali (PDF, IT, 500 KB)
PDF Privacy by design e misure di sicurezza (PDF, IT, 970 KB)
PDF Il trattamento dei dati personali: basi giuridiche, soggetti e diritti degli interessati (PDF, IT, 900 KB)
PDF Come operare un trattamento lecito dei dati personali al fine di potenziare le attività di marketing (PDF, IT, 600 KB)
PDF Le “best practices” nella negoziazione dei termini e delle condizioni delle relazioni controller-to-controller e controller-to-processor (PDF, IT, 132 KB)

Training materials

PDF Module 1: How the lawful processing of personal data can be a competitive advantage (PDF, EN, 529 KB)
PDF Modulе 2: The new developments in the roles and responsibilities of the data controllers and data processors (PDF, EN, 398 KB)
PDF Modulе 3: The new challenges in processing special categories of data (PDF, EN, 601 KB)
PDF Modulе 4: Privacy by design and privacy by default (PDF, EN, 402 KB)
PDF Modulе 5: How to use personal data in a legal way in order to boost our marketing activities (PDF, EN, 443 KB)
PDF Modulе 6: International transfers (PDF, EN, 545 KB)
PDF Modulе 7: Big data and AI the new horizon (PDF, EN, 710 KB)
PDF Modulе 8: Opportunities and challenges for the business envisaged in the 2020 European Strategy for Data (PDF, EN, 866 KB)
Video recording of the awareness training for SMEs – 12 May 2022, Sofia


PDF SMEDATA II Newsletter Issue 1 (PDF, EN, 400 KB)
PDF SMEDATA II Newsletter Issue 2 (PDF, EN, 400 KB)
PDF SMEDATA II Newsletter Issue 3 (PDF, EN, 400 KB)
PDF SMEDATA II Newsletter Issue 4 (PDF, EN, 400 KB)


PDF D2.1 Updated training methodology (PDF, EN, 4 MB)
PDF D2.4 Elaborated e-training materials for SMEs (PDF, EN, 4 MB)
PDF D2.5 Evaluation report (PDF, EN, 4 MB)
PDF D3.1 Content and language extension of the Mobile app (PDF, EN, 4 MB)
PDF D3.2 Release of an upgraded version of the Mobile app (PDF, EN, 3 MB)
PDF D4.2 Project leaflet (PDF, EN, 4 MB)
PDF D4.3 Presentation slides (PDF, EN, 1 MB)
PDF D4.5 Articles (PDF, BG/IT, 1 MB)
PDF D4.6 Press releases (PDF, BG/EN, 1 MB)


Final International Conference of the SMEDATA Project, 28 October 2020

Presentation by H. Alaminov (CPDP) (PPSX, EN, 477 KB) Presentation by I. Yaneva (EY Bulgaria) (PDF, EN, 251 KB)
Presentation by H. Konstantinov (APIS) (PDF, EN, 1.81 MB) Video recording of the conference

Training of trainers, Bulgaria, 2-3 and 4-5 November 2020

Presentation by H. Alaminov (PPSX, BG, 2.21 MB) Presentation by I. Yaneva (PDF, BG, 895 KB)
Case 1: Right to erasure (PDF, BG, 582 KB) Case 2: Right of access by the data subject (PDF, BG, 600 KB)
Case 3: Privacy policy (PDF, BG, 608 KB) Case 4: Privacy notice (PDF, BG, 587 KB)
Case 5: Personal data of employees and customers (PDF, BG, 585 KB) Case 6: Transfers of personal data to third countries (PDF, BG, 580 KB)

Training of trainers, Italy, 17-18 and 24-25 September 2020

Presentation by A. Fiaschi (PDF, IT, 932 KB) Presentation by C. Borghi (part 1) (PDF, IT, 636 KB)
Presentation by C. Borghi (part 2) (PDF, IT, 792 KB) Presentation by D. Gentilini, D. De-Paoli (PDF, IT, 547 KB)
Presentation by F. Cioffi, M. Coppotelli (PDF, IT, 1.62 MB) Presentation by G. Giuliano (PDF, IT, 1.17 MB)
Presentation by L. Versace (PDF, IT, 864 KB) Presentation by M. C. Dolmetta (PDF, IT, 490 KB)
Video recording of the training from 17.09.2020 Video recording of the training from 18.09.2020
Video recording of the training from 24.09.2020 Video recording of the training from 25.09.2020

International conference, Sofia, 29.11.2019

Presentation by A. Kuyumdzhieva (EC) (PDF, EN, 533 KB) Presentation by D. Luters-Thuemmel (EWLA) (PDF, EN, 1.61 MB)
Presentation by L. Carrozzi (Italian DPA) (PDF, EN, 742 KB) Presentation by A. Calvo (Spanish DPA) (PDF, EN, 1,32 MB)
Video recording of the conference


PDF SMEDATA Newsletter Issue 1 (PDF, EN, 299 KB)
PDF SMEDATA Newsletter Issue 2 (PDF, EN, 756 KB)
PDF SMEDATA Newsletter Issue 3 (PDF, EN, 653 KB)
PDF SMEDATA Newsletter Issue 4 (PDF, EN, 634 KB)


PDF D2.1 Survey Methodology and Questionnaire (PDF, EN, 399 KB)
PDF D2.2 Survey Report (PDF, EN, 2.12 MB)
PDF D2.3 Training Methodology (PDF, EN, 1.26 MB)
D2.5 Methodology for validation of SMEDATA Project’s data protection learning (PDF, EN, 536 KB)
D2.6 Evaluation Report (PDF, EN, 520 KB)
D3.1 Report on the Survey Analysis of SMEs as Data Controllers in Light of GDPR (PDF, EN, 1 MB)
D3.2 Expert Workshops – Common criteria for a multi-sector self-assessment and awareness tool (PDF, EN, 766 KB)
D3.4 Self-assessment and awareness tool (PDF, EN, 1.19 MB)
D4.2 Mobile application (beta version) (PDF, EN, 2.55 MB)
D4.3 Mobile application (final version) (PDF, EN, 4 MB)
D5.1 Project Website (PDF, EN, 734 KB)
D5.2 Plan for Dissemination and Communication (PDF, EN, 462 KB)
D5.5 Project Leaflet (PDF, EN, 658 KB)
D5.6 Presentation Slides (PDF, EN, 1 MB)
D5.8 Legal Tribune (PDF, BG/EN, 16.5 MB)
D5.9 Articles (PDF, BG/IT, 10.5 MB)
D5.10 Press releases (PDF, BG/EN, 550 KB)

Presentation at the project kick-off meeting

Presentation of the SMEDATA project demonstrated at the kick-off meeting in Brussels on December 3, 2018 (PPSX, EN, 1.1 MB)

The content of this website represents the views of the partners of the SMEDATA II project and is their sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

eu flagThis project is funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union