Awareness and Training

The project will deploy a large-scale awareness-raising programme throughout the partner countries and an intensive dissemination and communication campaign aiming at promotion of the benefits that the new data protection rules will bring to business and citizens. To this end, partners have allocated significant resources for the organisation of 24 awareness-raising trainings (12 in Bulgaria and 12 in Italy) and for the elaboration and distribution of numerous dissemination materials via the extensive communication channels and networks. With the support of the multiplying communication channels of the business and legal professionals‟ associations, we expect that the key messages of the dissemination campaign will reach more than hundred thousand representatives of the target audience. The expected number of participants to be reached within the 24 training events is 1600.

Project partners pay special attention to multiplying training, which is considered as a powerful instrument for ensuring a sustainable, long-term effect of the project results. Since the project is targeting the particularly broad groups of SMEs and legal professionals, partners have planned four dedicated two-days multiplying training seminars for representatives of business and professional organisations – two in Sofia and two in Rome.

The aim is to introduce GDPR to the multipliers, namely various professional organisations of businesses and legal practitioners. The attendees will familiarise themselves with the skills they need to understand evolving data obligations and will be provided with practical experience through this intensive two-day workshops. As well as GDPR compliance, they will be prepared to help clients understand their existing obligations, implement appropriate systems for compliance and manage specific challenges as they arise from time to time. The workshops will be practical and interactive with plenty of time for discussion and group exercises including case studies. Additionally, during the training of trainers, the participants will have the chance to discuss practical questions that have been raised during the awareness trainings.

The content of this website represents the views of the partners of the SMEDATA II project and is their sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

eu flagThis project is funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union