SMEDATA Project Consortium suggests a very efficient self-assessment and awareness tool not only to be applied by the SMEs in their everyday activities, including when new services, products, processes or technologies are being introduced, but also to raise the awareness by ‘translating’ GDPR rules in the context of SMEs business.
First, the self-assessment and awareness tool will be affordable which is of crucial importance given the limited financial resources of the SMEs. Second, it is a sustainable solution and builds upon already existing experience in data protection within SME-intensive sectors. Next, mechanisms of the proposed tool are simple and easy to be understood, unlike the complex legal language of the Regulation.
Furthermore, the proposed practical tool allows to be communicated without hitches stimulating awareness raising not only during SMEDATA project implementation but also along with the existing of every single replication of the elaborated tool itself.
The functionalities of the tool will incorporate at least:
• How to assess GDPR impacts on different economic sectors;
• How to conduct DPIA in SMEs;
• How to implement GDPR in everyday life of SMEs;
• How to prepare SMEs staff for GDPR challenges;
• How to raise awareness among SMEs stakeholders – staff, management, owners, subcontractors, clients;
• How to ensure continuing learning on GDPR matters.
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