
SMEDATA project will organise two international conferences.

The international conference in Sofia will be organised at the end of the first project year. It will focus on the legal aspects related to the GDPR implementation. Participants will be mainly:

  • in-house legal advisors and other legal professionals with long-term contracts/agreements with SMEs and their associations;
  • legal professionals who act as Data Protection Officers under GDPR in SMEs and their associations;
  • other legal representatives and legal advisers who can demonstrating close and stable relationship with SMEs.

The goal is to bring together practitioners and multipliers to share useful information on the implementation and adaptation of GDPR in the EU, Bulgaria and Italy, to foster dialogue and engagement, and to disseminate project results.

The international conference in Rome will be devoted to the implementation of the new EU data protection legislation within enterprises and will be scheduled at the end of the project. Participants will be mainly representatives of SMEs and business associations in addition to SMEs with cross-border activities.

For the two abovementioned conferences partners will invite international data protection experts, representatives of DPAs of other EU Member States, foreign DPOs to participate in both forums and to share their experience and best practices with regard to compliance with the GDPR rules. The materials from both conferences will be published in special issues of the “Legal Tribune” magazine and will be distributed via Ernst & Young network.

The content of this website represents the views of the partners of the SMEDATA II project and is their sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

eu flagThis project is funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union