On November 29, 2019, at 9.00, an international conference “SME Challenges and GDPR” will be held at the Grand Salon of the Union of Bulgarian Jurists (SUB) at 7 Pirotska St. in Sofia. The event is organised within the framework of the SMEDATA Project, in partnership with the Commission for Personal Data Protection of the Republic of Bulgaria, APIS Europe JSC, The Union of Bulgarian Jurists, Ernst & Young Bulgaria, European Women Lawyers Association – Bulgaria, the Italian Data Protection Authority and Roma Tre University.
Speakers will be Ventsislav Karadjov, Chairman of the Commission for Personal Data Protection of the Republic of Bulgaria, and Luigi Montuori, Head of the “EU and International Matters” Service of the Italian Data Protection Authority.
Presentations will be given by assoc. Prof. Dr. Anton Gerunov, Irina Yaneva – EY Bulgaria, as well as by representatives of the Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency and the Bulgarian Industrial Association.
The forum will discuss various technological and management solutions to support SMEs to comply with the GDPR. Hristo Konstantinov, CEO of APIS Europe, will present the innovative mobile application „GDPR in Your Pocket“.
The European Women Lawyers Association will be represented by its Secretary-General, Dace Luters-Thümmel. Dr. Albena Kuyumdzhieva, Programme Manager at the Research Ethics and Integrity Sector, Directorate‐General Research and Innovation at the European Commission, will talk about the legal and ethical aspects of processing personal data.
Short biographical notes for the lecturers can be found here.
Simultaneous translation will be available at the conference. Direct broadcast via digital television will be provided, accessed on the day and time of the event through the project website https://smedata.eu, the CPDP website https://www.cpdp.bg and the website of APIS Europe https://apis.bg.
We invite representatives of SMEs and more specifically their legal counsel to attend the conference. You can find out more about the draft agenda of the event here.