The project activities are organised in five work packages.
Work package 1: Management and Coordination of the Project
- Objectives:
- General management and coordination of the project
- Activities
- Project Management
- Financial Management
- Project Administration
- Quality Assurance and Risk Management
- Stakeholders Task Force Establishment
Work package 2: Awareness and Training
- Objectives:
- Development and testing of a dedicated tailored training and awareness raising methodology in the field of GDPR for SMEs and legal professionals, based on an extensive need-assessment of the project’s target groups.
- Raising awareness, improving skills and knowledge among SMEs and associations of SMEs on GDPR and the specific impact it has on their business, including a roadmap toward achieving compliance.
- Raising awareness and build-up skills and knowledge among representatives of the legal profession (e.g. lawyers, notaries, jurists, etc.) on the personal data protection framework as well as on tools for establishing and managing compliance.
- Participants in planned awareness raising and training events to gain full knowledge and to acquire methodology in order to be effective in the application of GDPR
- To fine-tune the knowledge about close areas of law, such as the additional data privacy legislation
- Activities:
- Conducting a survey
- Elaboration of training materials
- Awareness and training events among representatives of the target groups
- Training the trainers
- Evaluation
Work package 3: Self-assessment tool for sustainable awareness based on SMEs’ specific needs and processes from the prospective of personal data protection
- Objectives:
- To promote affordable and tailored made solution to the SMEs to assess the compliance of their processes with the GDPR and to ensure continuous process of SMEs self-improvement.
- To build sustainable awareness and understanding of the data privacy rules and standards to achieve compliance with the GDPR while reflecting the SMEs’ specific needs and processes which entail personal data processing.
- To prepare SMEs, as well as their associations to comply with their obligations under GDPR taking into account the specifics of their sectors.
- Activities:
- Conduct of survey
- Identification of sets of multiple criteria to cover different economic sectors
- Preparation of draft common criteria applicable to different economic sectors
- Conduct of public consultation on the draft common criteria
- Design of the self-assessment and awareness tool
- Initial feedback of the results and impacts of the implementation of the tool on the SMEs’ business
- Popularisation of the self-assessment and awareness tool amongst leading SME associations, chambers and other bodies in the EU
Work package 4: Development of Mobile Application for Citizens and SMEs
- Objectives:
- To specify the requirements for the functionalities, data contents and architecture of the mobile application
- To create a content and knowledge repository of the mobile application by:
- establishing a comprehensive collection of EU, Italian and Bulgarian legal resources in the area of privacy and data protection
- producing practice oriented summaries, guidelines and question-answering building blocks for knowledge modeling and computer-aided interaction with users
- To develop the mobile application as a free, open-source software tool assisting citizens and SMEs in understanding and complying with GDPR
- To test the content and functionality of the mobile application with real end-users and to revise the app with some final improvement based on user’s feedback
- Activities:
- Definition of system requirements, specifications and architecture
- Content and knowledge development and update
- Application development
- Testing and user validation
Work package 5: Dissemination and Communication
- Objectives:
- To ensure that the results of this project are exploited to the maximum and disseminated on a large scale across Europe and among interested stakeholders. Action will be defined and taken to ensure that the clearly defined and measurable objectives of this project are met. This WP thus needs to fulfil the following objectives.
- To ensure that the results of this project are exploited to the full both during and after completion of the project and to this end it is vital that a clear post-project follow-up strategy is devised so that target groups are not left “high and dry” after the date the project officially ends.
- To disseminate information about the project itself, as well as its results, to representatives of the target groups and other interested stakeholders from across Europe and to ensure that the results of this project are of benefit to actors outside the network.
- Activities:
- Dissemination campaign and communication of project results
- Organisation of international conference in Sofia
- Organisation of international conference in Rome