The main objective of SMEDATA Project is to guarantee the effective implementation of GDPR through awareness, multiplying training and sustainable capacity building for micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs). For the successful implementation of these activities, it is mandatory to adapt them to the fullest extent possible with the needs of SMEs. We present to your attention two anonymous online surveys:
- Personal Data Protection Survey – to be completed by SMEs and their legal advisors
- Survey on Tailored Self-Assessment and Awareness Raising Tool for Personal Data Protection – to be completed by associations of SMEs.
The surveys aim at gathering information on the challenges, which the businesses, and in particular SMEs, their associations as well as their in-house legal advisors face in connection to the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation requirements. The surveys are anonymous and they are in no way connected with the official duties of the Bulgarian and Italian supervisory authorities participating in the Project Consortium.
Your opinion is of crucial importance for the proper understanding of the needs of SMEs in connection with the protection of the personal data that they process.
Thank you in advance for your time!