
Initiatives to mark the Data Protection Day – January 28, 2021

On 28 January 1981, exactly 40 years ago, the Convention 108 for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data of the Council of Europe came into force. The Council of Europe took the initiative and declared 28 January Data Protection Day, that is currently celebrated in numerous countries around the world. The still ongoing COVID-19 pandemic posed an unprecedented threat to humanity in all possible aspects – health, economy, culture. One of the challenges facing the world in the context of… Continue Reading Initiatives to mark the Data Protection Day – January 28, 2021

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The implementation of the SMEDATA II Project has started

At the beginning of the new 2021, the implementation of the SMEDATA II project began, which is a continuation of the successfully implemented SMEDATA I Project: “Ensuring the Highest Degree of Privacy and Personal Data Protection through Innovative Tools for SMEs and Citizens”. The aim of SMEDATA II is to ensure the sustainability of the achieved results by continuing and further developing the activities for increasing the competence in the field of GDPR among the targeted groups – small and… Continue Reading The implementation of the SMEDATA II Project has started

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Il contenuto di questo sito Web rappresenta le opinioni dei partner del progetto SMEDATA II ed è di loro esclusiva responsabilità. La Commissione europea non accetta alcuna responsabilità per l’uso che può essere fatto delle informazioni in esso contenute.

eu flagQuesto progetto è co-finanziato dal programma Rights, Equality and Citizenship dell’Unione europea