The upgraded version of the “GDPR in Your Pocket” application was published in “Microsoft Store” on 18 November 2021 and can now be downloaded for free here. Thus, the App can be installed either on mobile devices from the application stores “Google Play” for Android devices and “App Store” for iOS devices or on desktop computers using Windows 10 operating system from the “Microsoft Store”. This upgrade was launched in order for the tool to reach a larger number of users and to support their work with the significant documentary collection in the field of personal data protection contained in the application. The desktop application facilitates reading and work with large documents from the “Legal Library” section – EU acquis and national legislation of Bulgaria, Germany, Italy and France; case law of the Court of Justice of EU and national courts; guidelines issued by the data protection supervisory authorities.

The upgraded version of “GDPR in Your Pocket” has an adaptive design and allows convenient use of the application on a phone, tablet or desktop computer.

The app can be downloaded freely from the three app stores:

• Google Play Store

• Apple App Store

• Microsoft Store

The “GDPR in Your Pocket” application, developed under the SMEDATA II project, aims to present the GDPR to citizens and small and medium-sized enterprises in an easy-to-use and understand way and to give them practical knowledge and advice on their rights and obligations in the field of personal data protection. The SMEDATA II project, co-financed by the European Commission under the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Program 2014 – 2020 of the European Union, is coordinated by the Bulgarian data protection authority – the Commission for Personal Data Protection (CPDP) and is implemented in partnership with APIS Europe, The Union of Bulgarian Jurists, Ernst & Young Bulgaria, the Bulgarian branch of the European Women Lawyers Association (EWLA) and the Roma Tre University.

“GDPR in Your Pocket” has been developed as an open source hybrid application by APIS Europe JSC in its capacity of a technological partner in the SMEDATA II consortium.